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Want to work together? Some info on me...
  • I'm a maker and creator. (So are you, but we can discuss that later.)
  • I'm wildly inspired by every little thing - like a young 'un, it doesn't take much more than a brisk breeze to get me excited about something and love on it fiercely.
  • Similarly I can also be distracted by the next shiny object (read: project) which will be hard to resist even in the midst of The Good. I'm working on fidelity and weaning myself off the buzz of "new relationship high".
  • I've learned to write decently well and make some good art. It's been a form of self expression and has never needed to be filtered because I have mostly been creating for an audience of one (me). Thank you for indulging me by being present for my journey.
  • The above does not by any means mean that I am incapable of gearing creative work to satisfy the expectations or parameters of someone other than myself. I see the production of that sort of work as a collaborative effort, success largely dependent upon the mutual communication of expectations from beginning to completion. The theory of "garbage in/garbage out" has proven to be accurate in every area of my life, but none so tacitly as in relation to work instructions and the resulting outcomes.
  • Old dogs can learn new tricks too, you now. Try me.
  • Big Pictures R Us - it's true - but I can also drill down and microscopically focus to get 'er done. 
  • I am self-aware and aware of the fact that I have blind spots - I don't know what they are (until I do, in which case they cease to be blind spots, right?) but I am vigilant in ferreting them out. I am open to having them pointed out; just be nice about it, would ya?

the artsy fartsy chick
the life of art and the art of living

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